Free HTML to PDF Converter for .NET and C#

HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET

HiQPdf Free HTML to PDF Converter for .NET is a limited version of the fully featured HiQPdf Library for .NET. It allows you to create PDF documents directly from HTML pages in your ASP.NET and MVC Websites, Desktop Applications and Services.

You can use the free library in .NET 4.0 and later applications, in C# and VB.NET languages, on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows machines.

Free Version Download
Full Software Version

You can follow the link below to download the free version for .NET Framework:
Download Free HiQPdf 15.0 Zip Package for .NET Framework
There is also a free version for .NET Core you can download from the link below:
Download Free HiQPdf 15.0 Zip Package for .NET Core
Amazingly Fast and Precise HTML to PDF Conversion Technology
The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET offers you the fastest and the most precise HTML to PDF conversion technology you can use in your .NET applications. The library can convert any HTML document to PDF, not matter how complex the HTML content would be, preserving all the CSS styles and executing all the JavaScript scripts found in the HTML document
Convert Modern HTML5 Documents with CSS3, SVG, Canvas and JavaScript
The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter can render HTML documents with last generation content like SVG, Web Fonts and CSS3 styles. The JavaScript engine is fast and can easily handle complex scripts allowing you to use the latest powerful JavaScript libraries existing on market
Support for Web Fonts and Web Open Font Format (WOFF)
The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET can convert HTML documents using Web Fonts which are a great tool for web designers to create special effects on text in a HTML document. The Web Fonts are downloaded on the fly by converter and used to render the HTML document to PDF without installing those fonts on the local machine
No External Dependencies, Direct Copy Deployment
The HiQPdf Software does not depend on installed browsers, printer drivers, viewers or any other third party software. The HiQPdf Library for .NET can be deployed by simply copying it on the server. It is also possible to install the library in the .NET Framework GAC
ASP.NET and Windows Forms Samples, Complete Documentation, 24x7 Technical Support
The HTML to PDF Converter for .NET from HiQPdf comes with a suite of ASP.NET and Windows Forms samples with complete source code in C#. The features of the library are well documented and a complete API reference in Microsoft Help format is provided. If you need more help you can contact our support team at any time
Create up to 3 PDF Pages of High Quality Content for Free
While the full version of the software allows you to create an unlimited number of PDF pages, with the free version of the library you can create up to 3 PDF pages. This is the most important limitation of the free version which can be used only for creating small and medium PDF documents. There are also many advanced features like live URLs, internal links, outlines, PDF forms, edit, merge and split PDF documents, extract text and images from PDF or PDF pages rasterization which are available only in the full version of the software.

Convert HTML and HTML5 Documents and Web Pages to PDF

With HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter Library for .NET you can convert HTML documents with CSS3, JavaScript, SVG and Web Fonts to PDF

Convert URLs and HTML Strings to PDF Files or Memory Buffers

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET can produce the PDF documents directly in a PDF file on server or in a memory buffer that can be further manipulated.

Set the PDF Page Size and Orientation

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter Library for .NET allows you to set the output PDF page size and orientation. The PDF page can be of any custom size, not only a standard size

Fit HTML Content in PDF Page Size

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter Library for .NET allows you to set various options to automatically fit the HTML content in output PDF page size

Advanced Support for Web Fonts in .WOFF and .TTF Formats

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter can use and embed in PDF any web font defined in HTML page with the @font-face rules

Advanced Support for Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG)

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter can accurately SVG to PDF. The charts and advanced graphics components are using SVG in HTML pages for rendering

Advanced Support for HTML5 and CSS3

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter offers full support for most of the CSS3 features like selectors, text effect, 2D and 3D transformations

Delayed Conversion Triggering Mode

By default the conversion is automatically triggered when the HTML is loaded. It is also possible to wait a constant interval before triggering conversion to PDF

Control PDF page breaks with page-break CSS attributes in HTML

Use the CSS 'page-break-before:always', 'page-break-after:always' and and 'page-break-inside:avoid' CSS attributes in HTML to force or avoid page breaks in PDF

Repeat HTML Table Header and Footer on Each PDF Page

The thead and tfoot tags content of a HTML table are automatically repeated at the top and bottom of all PDF pages where the HTML table is rendered

Packaged and Delivered as a Zip Archive

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET is distributed as a Zip archive and does not need to be installed to ensure that no unwanted changes are done to your computer

No External Dependencies

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET does not depend on installed browsers, printer drivers, viewers or any other third party software

Direct Copy Deployment Supported

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET can be deployed by simply copying it on the server. It is also possible to install the library in the .NET Framework GAC

ASP.NET and Windows Forms Samples, Complete Documentation

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET package includes ASP.NET and Windows Forms samples with C# source code and the library API is well documented

Supported on All Windows Versions

The HiQPdf library is compatible with all the Windows versions starting with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and it works both on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows machines

Create for Free Maximum 3 Pages of High Quality PDF Content

The HiQPdf HTML to PDF Library for .NET allows you to create maximum 3 PDF pages for free. To remove this limitation you have to use the full version of the software
HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET - C# Code Sample for ASP.NET
protected void buttonConvertToPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // create the HTML to PDF converter
    HtmlToPdf htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdf();

    // set browser width
    htmlToPdfConverter.BrowserWidth = int.Parse(textBoxBrowserWidth.Text);

    // set browser height if specified, otherwise use the default
    if (textBoxBrowserHeight.Text.Length > 0)
        htmlToPdfConverter.BrowserHeight = int.Parse(textBoxBrowserHeight.Text);

    // set HTML Load timeout
    htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlLoadedTimeout = int.Parse(textBoxLoadHtmlTimeout.Text);

    // set PDF page size and orientation
    htmlToPdfConverter.Document.PageSize = GetSelectedPageSize();
    htmlToPdfConverter.Document.PageOrientation = GetSelectedPageOrientation();

    // set PDF page margins
    htmlToPdfConverter.Document.Margins = new PdfMargins(0);

    // set a wait time before starting the conversion
    htmlToPdfConverter.WaitBeforeConvert = int.Parse(textBoxWaitTime.Text);

    // convert HTML to PDF
    byte[] pdfBuffer = null;

    if (radioButtonConvertUrl.Checked)
        // convert URL to a PDF memory buffer
        string url = textBoxUrl.Text;

        pdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToMemory(url);
        // convert HTML code
        string htmlCode = textBoxHtmlCode.Text;
        string baseUrl = textBoxBaseUrl.Text;

        // convert HTML code to a PDF memory buffer
        pdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToMemory(htmlCode, baseUrl);

    // inform the browser about the binary data format
    HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

    // let the browser know how to open the PDF document, attachment or inline, and the file name
    HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("{0}; filename=HtmlToPdf.pdf; size={1}",
        checkBoxOpenInline.Checked ? "inline" : "attachment", pdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

    // write the PDF buffer to HTTP response

    // call End() method of HTTP response to stop ASP.NET page processing
From Codeplex repository you can download the HTML to PDF Example for ASP.NET with C# Source Code that you can build and run in Visual Studio on your computer to convert web pages and HTML strings to PDF, JPEG and SVG. The Free HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for .NET NuGet package is referenced in this example and it is automatically downloaded and linked when the example project is built.