HiQPdf Documentation

HiQPdfClient Namespace

HiQPdf Client for .NET Core
The HiQPdfClient namespace contains all the classes and interfaces defined by the HiQPdf Client for .NET Core

Public classAutoPdfForm
Controls the automatic conversion of the HTML form into a PDF form
Public classAutoPdfFormField
Controls the style and properties of a type of field in automatically created PDF form
Public classBrowserImpersonation
The browser impersonation settings used when accessing the HTML document to be converted
Public classDateAndTime
The date and time class
Public classExtractedPdfImage
The image extracted from a PDF document
Public classHtmlConversionInfo
An object of this class is created after a HTML conversion and contains information about the converted HTML document, about the HTML elements in the HTML document and about the regions rendered in a PDF document
Public classHtmlConverterBase
The base class for HTML converters
Public classHtmlDocumentHeader
An object of this type is created after HTML to PDF conversion and offers information about the document title and metadata
Public classHtmlElementAttribute
The HTML attribute class
Public classHtmlElementInfo
Encapsulates various details about a HTML element collected during conversion
Public classHtmlElementInfoCollection
A collection of HtmlElementInfo objects
Public classHtmlObjectBase
The base class for HTML converter objects
Public classHtmlToImage
The HTML to Image converter class that can be used to convert HTML documents to raster images
Public classHtmlToPdf
The HTML to PDF converter class
Public classHtmlToSvg
The HTML to SVG converter class
Public classHttpAuthentication
Encapsulates a username and a password to resolve various types of HTTP authentication
Public classHttpPostField
The HTTP POST field class
Public classHttpRequestCookie
The HTTP cookie class
Public classHttpRequestHeader
The HTTP header class
Public classKeyValue
Represents a key value pair
Public classKeyValueCollection
Represents a collection of KeyValue objects
Public classNetworkProxy
The network proxy class
Public classPdfActionBase
Generic base class for PDF actions
Public classPdfAttachment
The PDF attachment class
Public classPdfAutoOutlines
Controls the creation of automatic outlines
Public classPdfBezierCurve
The PDF Bezier curve class
Public classPdfCanvas
A generic container for PDF objects
Public classPdfCircle
The PDF circle class
Public classPdfColor
The PDF color class
Public classPdfDestination
The destination of outlines, internal links and GoTo actions in the PDF document
Public classPdfDigitalSignature
The digital signature class
Public classPdfDocTableOfContents
Controls the automatic creation of the table of contents in a PDF document
Public classPdfDocument
The PDF document class
Public classPdfDocumentControl
This class controls the properties of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF Converter. A reference to an object of this class is exposed by the Document property of the HtmlToPdf class
Public classPdfDocumentFooter
The PDF document footer canvas
Public classPdfDocumentHeader
The PDF document header canvas method of the PdfDocument class
Public classPdfDpiTransform
Transform between pixels, points and inches
Public classPdfDrawableObject
Generic base class for all the objects that can be laid out in a PDF page
Public classPdfEllipse
The PDF ellipse class
Public classPdfEllipseArc
The PDF ellipse arc class
Public classPdfEllipseSlice
The PDF ellipse slice class
Public classPdfFileLink
A link to an external file in PDF document
Public classPdfFont
The PDF font class defines a font that can be added to a PDF document
Public classPdfFooter
This class controls the footer of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF Converter. A reference to an object of this class is exposed by the Footer property of the PdfDocumentControl class
Public classPdfForm
The PDF document form class
Public classPdfFormButton
A button in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormCheckBox
A check box in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormComboBox
A combo box in a PDF form consisting in a drop down list and an optional editable text box
Public classPdfFormField
A field in a PDF document form
Public classPdfFormFieldStyle
The style of a PDF form field
Public classPdfFormListBox
A list box form field that can be added in the PDF form of a PDF document
Public classPdfFormRadioButton
A radio button in a radio buttons group
Public classPdfFormRadioButtonsGroup
A group of radio buttons in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormTextBox
A noteText box in a PDF form
Public classPdfGoToAction
The Go To action class
Public classPdfGradient
The PDF gradient color class
Public classPdfHeader
This class controls the header of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF Converter. A reference to an object of this class is exposed by the Header property of the PdfDocumentControl class
Public classPdfHtml
An object of this class can be laid out in any position in a PDF document to render HTML content in place. Multiple objects of this type can be laid out in the same PDF page and even overlapped. If there is no background defined in the HTML document then the background of the rendered content in PDF will be transparent, making visible the existing content under it
Public classPdfHtmlImage
An object of this class can be laid out in any position in a PDF document to render a HTML content as image in place. Multiple objects of this type can be laid out in the same PDF page and even overlapped.
Public classPdfHtmlWithPlaceHolders
An object of this class can be laid out in any position in a PdfRepeatCanvas to render in place HTML content which may contain the page numbering place holders {CrtPage} and {PageCount}. The rendering of this type of object can be less efficient than the rendering of a regular PdfHtml object because there will be a HTML to PDF conversion for each PDF page where the canvas is repeated
Public classPdfImage
The PDF image class representing an image that can be added to a PDF document
Public classPdfImageExtractedParams
PdfImageExtractedEvent event parameters
Public classPdfImagesExtract
This class helps you to extract the images from a PDF document
Public classPdfInfo
The Info dictionary of a PDF document
Public classPdfInternalLink
An internal link in the PDF document
Public classPdfJavaScriptAction
The JavaScript action class
Public classPdfLine
The PDF line class representing a line that can be added to a PDF document
Public classPdfLineStyle
The PDF line style encapsulating the line width, dash pattern, cap style and join style
Public classPdfMargins
The PDF document margins class used by PDF pages
Public classPdfObject
A generic base class for PDF objects
Public classPdfOutline
The PDF outline class
Public classPdfPage
The PDF page class representing a page in a PDF document
Public classPdfPageConvertedToHtmlParams
PdfPageConvertedToHtmlEvent event parameters
Public classPdfPageHtmlCode
The HTML code resulted after conversion of a PDF page
Public classPdfPageRasterImage
The image resulted after rasterization of a PDF page
Public classPdfPageRasterizedParams
PdfPageRasterizedEvent event parameters
Public classPdfPageRegion
A region in a PDF document page
Public classPdfPageSize
The PDF page size class used to define the standard and custom sizes of a PDF document page
Public classPdfPath
The PDF path class representing a graphic path that can be added to a PDF document
Public classPdfPolygon
The PDF polygon class
Public classPdfProperties
Controls the title, subject, keywords, author and the creation date of the PDF document generated by converter
Public classPdfRasterizer
This class helps you to rasterize the pages of PDF document to images
Public classPdfRectangle
The PDF rectangle class
Public classPdfRepeatCanvas
This canvas is automatically laid out in the same position on each PDF page
Public classPdfResetFormAction
Encapsulates the Reset form action options
Public classPdfSecurity
Controls the security attributes of the generated PDF document
Public classPdfSubmitFormAction
Encapsulates the Submit form action options
Public classPdfTableOfContents
Controls the automatic creation of the table of contents for the converted HTML document
Public classPdfText
The PDF text class
Public classPdfTextExtract
This class helps you to extract the text from PDF documents and to search text in PDF documents
Public classPdfTextNote
The PDF text note class
Public classPdfTextSearchItem
An item in the PDF text search result
Public classPdfToHtml
This class helps you to convert the pages of PDF document to HTML documents
Public classPdfUrlLink
A link to an URL in PDF document
Public classPdfViewer
The PDF viewer preferences class controls the way the PDF document created by the HTML to PDF converter is displayed in a PDF viewer
Public classPointFloat
Point with floating point coordinates
Public classRectangleFloat
Rectangle with floating point coordinates
Public classSizeFloat
Size with floating point width and height

Public delegatePdfImageExtractedDelegate
Delegate for PdfImageExtractedEvent event raised after an image has been extracted from a PDF document
Public delegatePdfPageConvertedToHtmlDelegate
Delegate for PdfPageConvertedToHtmlEvent event raised after a PDF page has been converted to HTML
Public delegatePdfPageRasterizedDelegate
Delegate for PdfPageRasterizedEvent event raised after a PDF page has been rasterized

Public enumerationCertificatesStoreTypes
The types of system certificates stores that can be used by library
Public enumerationConversionTriggerMode
The possible options for triggering the conversion after the page was loaded in converter
Public enumerationImageFormats
The image formats
Public enumerationPdfAnchoringMode
The anchoring mode in a PDF page
Public enumerationPdfAttachIconType
The PDF file attachment icon type
Public enumerationPdfBlendingMode
The standard blending types in PDF
Public enumerationPdfBorderStyle
The border styles that can be used in a PDF document
Public enumerationPdfColorProfile
The possible color profiles of a PDF document generated by library
Public enumerationPdfColorSpace
The color spaces that a PDF document can have
Public enumerationPdfDestinationViewMode
The view mode of a PDF destination
Public enumerationPdfDockingMode
The docking mode in a PDF page
Public enumerationPdfEncryptionLevel
The encryption level
Public enumerationPdfEncryptionMode
The PDF encryption mode
Public enumerationPdfFormSubmitFlags
The submit form action flags that can be combined to specify various characteristics of the action
Public enumerationPdfFullScreenExitMode
The viewer page mode on exiting full screen
Public enumerationPdfGradientDirection
PDF gradient color direction
Public enumerationPdfLineCapStyle
The PDF line cap style
Public enumerationPdfLineDashPattern
The patterns of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
Public enumerationPdfLineJoinStyle
PDF lines join styles
Public enumerationPdfOutlineStyle
The outline title style
Public enumerationPdfPageLayout
The page layout to be used when the document is displayed
Public enumerationPdfPageMode
The page mode to be used when the document is displayed
Public enumerationPdfPageOrientation
This enumeration represents the possible PDF page orientations
Public enumerationPdfPageRotation
PDF page rotation
Public enumerationPdfReadingOrder
The reading order when the document is displayed
Public enumerationPdfStandard
The PDF standard used to generate the document
Public enumerationPdfStandardFont
PDF standard Type 1 fonts recognized by any PDF viewer
Public enumerationPdfTextExtractMode
The text extraction modes
Public enumerationPdfTextHAlign
The horizontal alignments that can be used to align the text in PDF
Public enumerationPdfTextNoteIconType
The PDF text note icon type
Public enumerationPdfTextOrder
The order of the text in the PDF documents created by library
Public enumerationPdfTextVAlign
The vertical alignments that can be used to align the text in PDF
Public enumerationProxyProtocol
The supported proxy protocols used when accessing the HTML documents
Public enumerationRasterImageColorSpace
The raster images color space